Thursday, February 10, 2011

The People's Paradise of China

I love to peruse Xinhua's English edition because the propagandists are so enjoyably inept. This sloppiness is a positive--it indicates to me that toltolitarianism there is fraying. On Feb 2, in the China section, Xinhua trumpheted a police program that rescued over 9,000 children who had been kidnapped for a life of beggary. The article implies that many thousands more children still are missing.
This is a situation right out of Dickens or Slumdog Millionaire. The children are kidnapped by Fagins who collect their daily take. It's human trafficking on a grand scale.
Xinhua reports that 175,000 persons visited a web site where the pictures of 2,500 missing children identified as beggers were posted.
Children are a valuable commodity in China because their numbers are limited by birth-control laws and because children support elderly parents.
China's economy in the next decade could be seriously retarded by a lack of young people.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

An appetite supressant called chcolate

I'm at 174 and holding, trying to get to 170, but not in a rush because of financial considerations. I've already had to get some suits s and dress pants altered and I need alterations on a suit that I piurchased in July. I've dropped from 42 regular to size 40! I've made one exciting discover: Lindt Chocolate. If I eat a few squares of the dark, 85%-cocoa variety, it kills my appetite for hours. The chocolate contains very little sugar and this us low-carb. It's costly-- almost $2 a bar when not on sale; but it's worth it to me. It last two or more days and saves me $6-per-day on lunch!
My health has improved--no more gird nor need for antiacid perscriptions, for one thing. My cholesterol is so low, my doc said I could scrap the Lipitor if I feel like it. I have more energy and a better self image. My mantra is : Being thin is better than ice cream and cake and cookies and pretzels and candy!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Record low

Hit the scale at 174 this morning. I haven't been this thin since at least the early 80s, and it feels damn good. My secret-- I didn't eat much this weekend while visiting with relatives. I skipped breakfast on two consecutive days and had light lunches--zero carbs. I had fish for dinner when we ate out and one beer.
I've added a banana to my daily routine for potassium--a suggestion of a fellow-low-carb guy who sat next to me on a plane from mephis to Milwaukee recently.
I feel great. I've also noticed that my will power has been strengthening as a result of my determination to stay thin.
I've been reading Virginia Wolff's "To the Lighthouse," a dark, lyrical triumph primarily about the inevitability of our demise and the passivity of nature in the face of our destruction, though there are other evocative themes in this prose poem. The second law of thermodynamics lloms large in the work, though I don;t believe that Mrs. Wolff had ever been formally acquainted with it.
I am enchanted by the writing-- a description of children, for example, who are "coerced and dispirated " by an overbearing father, who is a symbol of academics and culture. Wolff, like Shakespeare and Updike, provides a verbal surprise on every page. Find out for yourself. Do what I did: Google "To the Lighthouse" and then print out a free copy from the University of Adelaide or some other site. Sip this book like a fine wine. Roll its words and meanings around in your head before swallowing and don't imbibe too much at one sitting. It is a short book that is best consumed over a long period.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Setbacks galore

Vacation is diet poison. I was at the beach for a week and gained three pounds--back to 180. I was eating out most meals and would have a glass of wine here , a beer there. I would split a dessert with my wife. I'd surf-fish instead of walk. Now I must make amends.
Here's the worst thing: the government just came out with a body-fat gauge and I should be at 168 pounds! It's based on height and weight. I've shrunk an inch since I was 50! If I get on th ewrack and stretch myself, thenm I need only get to 170.
Today I had some fish for dinner, salad for lunch, and an omlete for breakfast. The fish came from the sea, 7 miles off of Atlantic City. I caught it myself on Sunday.
I went out of Great Bay Marina awith Captain Adam on the AnnMarieII, and it was well worth the pricer. I treated my two sons and three of their uncles. The water was calm as a mountain lake and the sea bass, which are delectable,w ere agressive. We caught over 100 fish-tossing 70% of them back.
Going out with Adam is less expensive that boat ownership and much less hassle. Take ten half-day trips with him and it cost less than a boast slip does on an annual basis. The problem: Adam is so good at what he does, he's booked solid threough January 11! Yes, he takes people out all winter!
The low-carb regime will get me back on track. The diest really works. It takesa two weeks of will power to get over tyhe cravings. The payoff- you look good, you reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease, and you can feel smug.
America is obese because it stopped smoking! Amercia never has learned self-restraint. Try it people. Fear not an empty stomack. Learn to love sala and light meals. Carbs are poison. If I can do it, anyone can.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Big Surprise

My wife came back from a five-day biz trip to San Francisco and said that I looked thinner than when she had left. I thought she was flattering me. I hadn't been on the scale the entire time. I assumed I was at 179 because my pants felt a bit tight. This morning I bit the bullet and stepped int he scale and voila--176 and a quarter! Wow. I'm a little over a pund away from my initial goal of 175.
While she was away, I did very little food shopping. I bought some eggs and bacon. No bread- We are flat out of bread so I didn't have my one peiece every day. Maybe that was the secret?
man, if I can do this anyone can!
She borught b=me back some chocolate with carnel filling. I had two squares the night before the weigh--about 200 calories and 50 grams of carbs. You need some carbs.
I've also been eating a lot of salad. Costco has this "kit" that containes cranberries and nuts and cheese to mix in with the lettuce--and it's damn good.
I haven't been this thin since I was in my late 30s. Of course, I thoughht I was overwight then. I had been 135 pounds when I graduated from college. I was hyper-active, adhd back then. I ran several miles a day, figited constantly, stood up at my desk, pacing when making calls--a frenetic , synapse-firing runaway locomotive- the perfect journalistic engine.
My metabolism changed when I hit 38. My knee injuries reduced my running then too. My adhd seemed to wane. I became much more circumspect and cerebral.
When I hit 175-- a strawerry shortbread reward! Then on to 170. You can do this, fat America. It;s easy. Cut bread , eat salad chicken , fish--red meat once every two weeks. . Snack on nuts (an ounce a day and a small piece of dark chocolate or four Fig Newtons. Chips are poison. Processed food is poison. Forget about the Chinese--your own countrymen are poisoning you with treats.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

France and Chicago meet on the bike trail

Saturday was in the low 80's, a big break from the hellish heat in the DC area; so I got on my bike and headed the ten or so miles to Mount Vernon. I left late--around 11 a.m. and my timing was exquisite because traffic on the bike trail was light.
I hadn't biked in several weeks due tot he heat, and I felt it! I had to make rest stops going and coming. Generally, I make one rest stop on the way back. By the time I reached Mount VerNon, I was beat. I LOUNGED AROUND FOR HALF-AN-HOUR, engagingin small talk with other bikers. I met a nice group from the French embassy, including a child, who had biked all the way from Bethesda. They were doing about 40 miles to my 20! I met a nice couple and their daughter from the Chicago area who biked from Old Town and went into visit Mount Vernon, one of the most wonderful attractions in this area.
I ate like a horse when I got home-- I even allowed myself extra piece of bread. Sunday Morning, I weighed 178. Bravo!
Today, egg beather and bacon omlette for breakfast and some delicious salad I picked up at Costco that womes with nuts, cranberries, cheese, and dressing-- a real bargain.
I worked on my mystery novel after church and then played with my new HP slimline computer with Vista, a real gem. Is it ever fun to watch a slide show of your photos on the 19-inch screen. This computer is so versatile and powerful, it will take me years to figure it out. I got it to download out CD collection so my wife can listen to it on her new Ipod. I now use it for my photos. It's a wonderful tool. You can also record TV shows, make movies, make all kinds of DVDs-- I will tackle each tool one at a time.
One detail I must master is thye keyboard. I keep accidentally hitting THE CAps Lock KEY. HY? iT NEVER HAPPENED WITH MY OLD KEYBOARD, WHICH ALSO IS A qwertY?
I'm reading a mystery by Lawrence Block because I needed to go to school with a master to help Me with my own endeavor. He's a very talented writer. He doesn't have the depth of a John Banville, but he certainly is excellent with plot and character. His one short coming is pandering to female readers. But hey, that's who buys most the books.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Staying Upbeat in the heat.

I am bummed out today. The creative juices are not flowing. The damn cats got me up at 6:30 a.m.
I inherited the cats--one through marriage and the second was left to me by a child when she went off to college. Later, when said child graduated from law school, she came to claim the cat and the cat chose not to leave.
She's a Japanese bobtail, a very clever animal, who was an outdoors cat at the time and earned her keep culling the chipmunk population and intercepting deer mice at the door on frigid winter days. But when we moved in town to a townhouse, we had to convert her into an indoor beast, and she's never adjusted. She's a bit psychotic, longing to slink outdoors like a minature lion.
In short, I am not a cat person, yet I cannot get rid of the cats. The kids would never forgive me if i took the Japanese cat for the needle; and my wife will not part with her gray tabby, which is retarded in comparison to the Asian cat.
I'm at 179, solid, after dipping to 178 yesterday. I'm walking to and fromthe Metro, a total of two miles,. The air is so stale it is like breathing auto exhaust straight from the tail pipe.
I work on my msyery novel at night. I work on my journalism all day. Usually I have high energy and I'm optimistic and firing oon all cylinders. Today I feel like a 1975 Fiat with a bad plud and a leaky head gasket.
I once had a German neighbor who was a chemist and a paint expert. He drove Fiats. He's have the undercarriages sprayed with motor oil and then roar down a dirt road and the resulting undercoat, he claimed, was better than any protective pait; plus it deadned road noise.
He had been married to Gunhilde, a Luftansa stewardess and divorced because he wanted a house frau. He was a handsome man with blond hair and agate-blue eyes and a chemical scar over one lip that gave him the llok orf a dashing warrior. Every eweekened he would arrive home with a gorgeous woman for "a try-out." None every passed. This was in the 70s when women were revoilding against the life of June Cleaver.
I had an eggbeater omlette for breakfast, with mushrooms and chedder cheese thrown in. I had two hot doogs for lunch with a dessert of two Fig Newtons. I've had a bottle of green tea and a cup of regular tea. I feel bummed out. My calls are slow in being returned. I haven't had any offers for TV or radio appearances in days. I feel underappreciated. I really could use a big fat carb-bomb right now; but I won't do it. That's the addict's route. I'll get more sleep tonight and more exercise, after I work on the novel, practice the guitar.